

This article explains how different packaging materials are bonded together in a sterile barrier pouch, the difference between coated and uncoated pouches, and the potential challenges involved in using an uncoated pouch.   

Generally, to bond different packaging materials together, an intermediate medium is needed for the transition. This medium is known as the coating or adhesive layer. A coating formula is designed in cohesion-peeling mode, which has a controllable strength so a user can peel it from the middle of the coating layer with his or her hands, with a peelable seal provided.

Adhesive Image

Since a cohesion-peeling mode is used, the coating layer will leave minimal traces on the surface of the two materials, thereby guaranteeing visual integrity of the seal, which may be used as a method for quickly determining whether the sterile barrier is in-tact. In addition, since peeling occurs in the middle of the coating or adhesive layer, the possibility of a fibrous thread of a material being picked up is effectively averted, which achieves a reduction in the risk of fiber tearing.  


让我们以 Tyvek 作为未涂层材料的示例。首先,材料本身不能与另一种材料粘合;其次,如果不加涂层介质而直接热封,那么在封合流程中,由于设备性能和操作人员的熟练程度,包装可能会被过封,导致外观变形、边缘过熔或烧焦,或严重的材料剥离时分层。另外,如果包装封合不严,会导致热封边出现通道,从而严重影响产品质量,甚至危及患者生命。 



  • 涂层作为中间层,使包装具有可剥离性,以便医务人员能够快速、安全打开医疗器械包装,特别是打开较长或较大的包装。 

  • 可以通过粘接剂转移的效果来确定包装的封合完整性,从而检查包装的完整性是否受到污染,从而确保患者的安全。

  • 涂层使包装能快速达到稳定封合的效果,具有稳定均匀的剥离强度,以及优良的粘胶转移效果,防止包装打开时出现异常材料分层。  

  • 提供相对广泛的封合流程参数,便于设备和生产人员的操作。 

  • 封合强度不稳定,给生产人员操作带来不便,产品质量不稳定。  

  • 边缘封合质量问题增加了产品验证的难度。 

  • 剥离强度不稳定,打开包装时常出现层层撕裂,造成二次颗粒污染。  

  • 包装不易打开,增加了医护人员的劳动强度。  

  • 增加了目视检查的难度,使快速判断封合是否完好不方便。 



- YY-T 0681.11-2014 无菌医疗器械包装试验方法 第 11 部分:目力检测医用包装封合完整性;  
- MDR 通用安全和性能要求 (GSPR) 第 11.4 条:“应确保包装的完整性对最终用户清晰可见” 
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